Michigan workers compensation lawyer explains your medical benefits and why you must wait 28 days to select your own doctor.
One of the most important benefits under workers compensation is access to medical care. Your employer is responsible for all reasonable and necessary medical treatment for your work injury.
This medical benefit is unlimited and can be paid for life. You will not owe any co-pays or deductibles under workers compensation.
A problem that many people face is that they must wait 28 days to choose their own doctor. During this period of time, you are limited to treatment with medical providers selected by your employer or its insurance company.
Medical treatment under workers compensation in Michigan
It is common for employers and insurance companies to require that you treat at a work clinic during the first 28 days. Some of these medical facilities only care about saving the insurance company money and will provide less than optimal care.
We have seen many individuals have their symptoms brushed aside and told to get back to work. This delays the healing process and could make your injury even worse.
You can select your own doctor after 28 days from the start of medical treatment. Do this by providing the insurance company the name and address of your doctor. You may have to contact your adjuster to get pre-approval. Most medical offices will do this for you.
What to do if your medical treatment is denied
We frequently see adjusters who ignore the law and refuse to let you select your own doctor. They do this to control medical costs and your work restrictions. Don’t let the insurance company play games with your medical benefits.
If workers compensation benefits are ever disputed, you will need a doctor on your side. Insurance company doctors will not support you!
Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation with one of our workers compensation lawyers in Michigan. We will make sure that you get all the medical benefits available.
– Alex Berman is the founder of Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers. Hes been representing injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Alex has helped countless people obtain workers compensation benefits and never charges a fee to evaluate a case.
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Video: Find out about your Michigan workers compensation benefits
– Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by RambergMediaImages.