Understanding the value of your Michigan workers’ compensation case and coming up with a winning strategy is a great way to keep attorney expenses low.
Many people worry that hiring an attorney is too expensive. It is their belief that nothing will be gained after paying attorneys fees and expenses. This is simply untrue!
Workers’ compensation cases in Michigan are handled on a contingency fee basis. No fee is charged unless additional benefits or a settlement is recovered. This is called a no win no fee case.
Attorney fees are 10% if a claim is being voluntarily paid and a settlement is reached. The fee is 15% of the first $25,000 and 10% on the remainder of a settlement if the claim was disputed.
Attorneys are also permitted to advance reasonable expenses and recoup this money out of a settlement. This is very important because it can cost thousands of dollars to prepare a case for trial and most people do not have this money to spend.
Keeping costs and expenses low
While the attorney advances costs and expenses, this money is ultimately coming out of your settlement. Here are some ways to keep these charges down and put more money in your pocket.
It can costs hundreds of dollars to copy and obtain medical records. You can avoid copy charges by getting records directly from your doctor and providing them to your attorney. Many doctors will cooperate with patients who ask for a free copy of their medical file.
You will also need a deposition of your doctor to win at trial. This can range from $800 to $2,500 per hour. Court reporter fees are extra. Speaking with your doctor about his or her testimony is a great way to save costs. Ask if they would be willing to place a short telephone call to your attorney and give an opinion about whether or not your medical condition is work related. This can save thousands of dollars by avoiding depositions that are not 100% supportive of your case.
Hiring a vocational expert to perform a transferable skills analysis and labor market survey is also typically required. The vocational expert will give sworn testimony and expect to be paid for his or her time. This can run into the thousands depending on circumstances. Performing a good-faith job search and keeping excellent records is a way to avoid this expense. This can sometimes be enough to convince the insurance company that your position is correct.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
How much does it cost to hire a workers compensation lawyer
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by uhuru1701.