A reminder about winter driving safety for people who must battle the elements for work.
Today is the first day of winter. We will soon be facing the dreaded snow and ice that accompanies the season.
People who live in Michigan are accustomed to this weather. However, the first big snowfall or ice event always causes extra headaches.
Winter driving hazards are a special concern. Here is something you probably never considered when going to and coming from work.
Car Accidents
Michigan workers’ compensation law does not generally cover people who are injured going to or coming from work. However, specific exceptions allow you to seek benefits.
These include when your employer sends you on a special mission. Another exception occurs when your employer provides you transportation or mileage. Travel that has a dual purpose combining employment-related business could also be covered. Sometimes employment that subjects you to excessive travel risks is all that is necessary.
Workers’ compensation benefits are available regardless of fault. These include payments for lost wages and medical treatment.
Additional benefits from automobile insurance might also be available. Damages would include compensation for pain and suffering from the driver who caused the accident.
Icy Parking Lots
If you are hurt while on the premises where the work is done, within a reasonable time before or after hours, it is usually presumed to be in the course of employment and covered.
Injuries that occur off premises might also be covered if you are traveling in a reasonably direct route to or from a designated company parking area.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Car accident at work in Michigan
Photos courtesy of Creative Commons, by gagilas.