Attorney Alex Berman interviewed by Channel 7 News about workers’ compensation and first responders.
WXYZ Detroit reporter Kim Russell did another excellent job investigating workers’ compensation. Her most recent piece focused on first responders and the poor treatment they get in Michigan. We strongly recommend watching the video.
Alex Berman was interviewed about our client Tim Carr. This gentlemen saw his weekly checks slashed to just $19 per week. The City of Detroit says he can find a job and is not entitled to his full wage loss benefits. Normally 80% of the after-tax value of his average weekly wage.
A vocational counselor performed a transferable skills analysis and labor market survey. Benefits were reduced despite his inability to find a job.
This is happening to people across the State of Michigan. Families suffer so insurance companies and large corporations can save money. Can you support a family on just $19 per week? Businesses have already saved an estimated $300 million since 2011 reforms.
We are asking all of our blog readers to get politically active. Call and e-mail your state representatives! Tell them to fix the workers’ compensation system and restore fairness.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Why your “wage earning capacity” matters under Michigan workers compensation