Our satirical list of suggestions for saving your boss and the insurance company money after getting hurt on-the-job.
Saturday is April Fool’s Day and we never miss a chance for a good joke. We think laughter is the best medicine and great for reducing stress. In the spirit of David Letterman’s classic top 10 lists, here is our annual blog post devoted to ridiculous workers’ comp ideas.
1. DNA sample and FBI background check now required for claim investigation.
2. Medical treatment outsourced to China.
3. Mother-in-law is only family member who gets paid for attendant care.
4. Disabled employees must personally reimburse companies for any missed time.
5. Grocery store coupons count against payment of lost wages.
6. Labor Market Survey includes jobs suggested by elementary school teacher.
7. Relatives are forced to report on household activities.
8. Vocational rehabilitation provided by traveling circus.
9. TV judges decide all litigated cases.
10. Settlements paid in gift cards to affiliated companies.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Local IME doctor approves all claims
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by danielmoyle.