Michigan workers comp lawyer breaks down insurance company dishonesty about your right to medical treatment.
One of the most important benefits under workers comp is access to quality medical care. This allows you to recover faster and get back to work.
Unfortunately, insurance companies try to save money at your expense. Here are three lies insurance companies will tell you about your medical benefits.
Lie #1: You cannot switch doctors
The insurance company is allowed to pick your doctor for the first 28 days. You will most likely be sent to a company doctor or an industrial clinic. Our experience shows that you will receive substandard medical care and may not even be correctly diagnosed.
You can select your own doctor after 28 days. You need only provide the name and address of your selection.
Lie #2: Our doctor has the final say about your work restrictions
Insurance companies want you to treat with their doctors. This allows them to assert influence on your work restrictions. If you are released to work without restrictions, your entitlement to wage loss benefits ends.
The insurance company does not have the final say about work restrictions. You can always get a second opinion from your own doctor. If there is a dispute, it is up to the magistrate to decide what restrictions are appropriate and whether you are entitled to additional benefits.
Lie #3: Additional medical treatment is not allowed
Insurance companies routinely send claimants to independent medical evaluations. These doctors typically say no additional medical treatment is needed. The insurance company then closes the claim and refuses to pay any future medical.
You are entitled to unlimited medical treatment under workers comp. If it is reasonable and necessary, the insurance company must pay.
How to fight back against insurance company abuse
We frequently see insurance companies who ignore Michigan law and deny medical treatment. Dont let the insurance company play games with your medical benefits.
Call(855) 221-2667 for a free consultation with one of our workers comp lawyers in Michigan. We will fight to make sure that you get all the medical treatment that you deserve.
– Alex Berman is the founder of Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers. Hes been representing injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Alex has helped countless people obtain workers compensation benefits and never charges a fee to evaluate a case.
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