How a Michigan Workers’ Compensation Attorney Can Help You

Hurt on the job? Getting the run-around from the insurance company? If you want the best chance at fair compensation, you need the help of an experienced Michigan workers’ compensation attorney. We’ve helped injured workers in this state for more than 40 years. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Don’t let the insurance adjuster push you around. Request your free consultation today.

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Get Help From our Michigan Workers’ Comp Lawyers Today

You’re not alone. Our Michigan workers’ comp lawyers have been called the best in the state, and we pride ourselves on providing you with care, trust, and responsiveness.

Giving Disabled Workers the Freedom to Focus on Their Recovery

Getting hurt on the job can change your life in an instant. And even if your injuries will only keep you out of work temporarily, there’s still a lot to think about. Who will cover your medical treatment? How will you pay your bills? How much is your employer required to help? For many people, the questions quickly become overwhelming.

An experienced workers’ comp attorney can protect you after a workplace injury. In addition to helping you accurately calculate the value of your case, file your workers’ compensation claim within the time limit, and maintain all the necessary records, your attorney can also protect you if your employer’s insurance company disputes your version of events.

Unfortunately, insurance companies will often look for ways to deny or reduce your workers’ comp benefits. For example:

  • They may try to argue that you are only partially disabled and still capable of working
  • They may say that your injury occurred outside the workplace or was a pre-existing condition
  • They may try to take away your benefits by arguing that you were at fault for the accident or violated a company rule or policy (even inadvertently)

The best time to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer is as soon as possible after your workplace injury. Some of the biggest, most critical problems and avoidable mistakes with workers’ comp claims occur within the first few days and weeks after the incident. By seeking legal advice as early as possible, you can protect yourself against these complex legal obstacles.

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Find out what your case is worth and don’t settle for less than you deserve

What a Workers’ Comp Attorney Can Do for You

Hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer can protect your rights to benefits, make sure you are receiving the correct workers’ compensation rate, and give you the freedom to focus on your recovery.

An attorney can help you:

Focus on your recovery

If you’ve suffered a serious accident at work, your first priority should be on getting better, for yourself and your loved ones. Letting an experienced workers’ compensation attorney handle it for you can lift a huge burden off your shoulders.

Ensure you get all the workers' compensation benefits available to you

Michigan workers are eligible to recover lost wages, medical bills, attendant care services, and even things like vocational training. But the insurance company may not inform you of all these potential benefits or pay you at the wrong rate.

Fight back when the insurance company denies or disputes your claim

The insurance company is looking to save money. They are not looking out for you. Hiring an attorney of your own who can investigate and build your case, challenge bad medical opinions in court, and protect your rights can help you level the playing field.

More Than 100 5-Star Reviews

“Alex, your firm and coworkers were all so kind and professional. I appreciate your due diligence and the results thereafter. I am truly satisfied and will always recommend this firm to others. You didn’t allow the corporate bullies to get away with stepping on the little guys. Thanks for everything.”
– Jaqueline Henderson, Detroit

Real Results for Workers and Their Families

Our attorneys fight hard to ensure that Michigan workers can support themselves and their loved ones after a workplace injury or illness.

A worker suffered paralysis after falling from a roof. Benefits had been disputed based on alleged employer premium fraud and statutory employment. This was the largest reported settlement in the state that year for a workplace injury.
Largest workers’ compensation settlement in the state in 2021. Our attorneys secured this settlement for our client who suffered a serious traumatic brain injury as a result of a work-related slip and fall on ice.
Our attorneys recovered this settlement to help a worker who was paralyzed after falling 15 feet into a manhole. It was the largest reported workers’ compensation settlement in Michigan for the year of 2023.
Our attorney obtained this recovery for a worker who was paralyzed in a workplace accident. The award recovered was the second largest reported amount in the state for that year for a workplace injury.
This workers’ compensation settlement helped an injured worker after the insurance company refused to pay for benefits and medical items.
This payout amount helped our client obtain medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation on his own terms, after the insurance company had been slow to approve medical treatment and disputed the need for surgery.

Workers' Compensation Lawyer FAQs

Many people have concerns about hiring a workers’ compensation attorney. They wonder how much it will cost, what the process is like and how much workers’ compensation actually pays. The resource center below will answer your questions about what to expect and explain how an attorney can really help you.



How much does a workers’ comp lawyer cost?

Injured workers deserve excellent representation, regardless of their current financial circumstances. You will never pay out of pocket for our services.

Your initial consultation is free, and our lawyers work on contingency. That means that unless you receive additional benefits through a settlement or award at trial, you do not pay any lawyers’ fees. If you do gain additional compensation, your attorney is paid a percentage.

According to Michigan law, the percentage fees that workers’ comp attorneys can charge are strictly limited. You can read a more detailed breakdown here.



When should I hire a workers’ compensation lawyer?

We strongly recommend you schedule a free consultation with a workers’ comp attorney as soon as possible after your injury.

Although state law provides you with 90 days to give notice of an injury, and 2 years to make a claim, the truth is that the decisions you make within the first few days and weeks after your injury can have a significant impact on the success of your claim and how large your settlement might be.

Simple mistakes, such as not seeking timely medical treatment right after an injury and establishing medical records clearly linking your symptoms to the incident, can make it easier for your employer’s insurance company to challenge your claim. The sooner you seek legal advice and guidance from an experienced attorney, the better you can prepare and protect yourself.



What workers’ compensation benefits am I eligible for?

Employees hurt on the job may be eligible for many benefits, including:

  • Recovery of lost wages—equivalent to 80% of the employees (post-tax) average weekly wage.
  • Medical bills for any “reasonable and necessary” medical treatments directly resulting from your workplace injury. This also includes mileage for trips to and from appointments, as well as necessary modifications to a home or vehicle.
  • Up to 56 hours per week of attendant care (such as having family members help with daily living activities) at market rates.
  • Up to two years of vocational rehabilitation for those whose disabilities prevent them from returning to their original job, but can be retrained for a different job or career.

Injured? Get the Help You Deserve

You’re not alone. Our Michigan workers’ comp lawyers have been called the best in the state, and our clients love how they’re treated with care, respect, and responsiveness. We will give you the time you need, we will explain your legal rights, and we will always treat you with respect.

Our workers’ compensation and Social Security disability lawyers always put your needs first. Get to know your legal team.

Our attorneys post regularly about common issues related to workers’ comp, including common injuries, settlement calculations, laws, and more.

Injured? Get the Help You Deserve

Don’t let the insurance adjuster push you around. Request your free consultation today.

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Our attorneys post regularly about common issues related to workers’ comp, including common injuries, settlement calculations, laws, and more.

Our workers’ compensation and Social Security disability lawyers always put your needs first. Get to know your legal team.