Misconceptions about workers comp lead to discrimination against people hurt on-the-job.
We recently had a client tell us about a bad experience at his doctor’s office. The front desk clerk accused him of taking advantage of the workers comp system. He was understandably upset and his doctor was quick to defend him.
Most discrimination against people on workers comp comes from misconceptions about the system. Some defense attorneys even make things worse by advertising that “all injured workers are frauds” or a “claimant is a fraud until proven innocent.” See this news article out of Florida.
The truth is that fraud is very low in the workers comp system. Accident Fund says it involves less than 4% of claims. Most people simply recover from injury and get back to work.
Common misconceptions
Workers comp is not welfare. It is insurance that protects both employees and employers in the event of a workplace accident. Benefits are limited to medical care and 80% of the after-tax average weekly wage. Not exactly a windfall for a person with a serious disability.
A person cannot refuse to work. Benefits will be suspended if a person declines reasonable employment. Wage loss benefits can even be reduced just because the insurance company thinks a person can get a job somewhere else.
Gaming the system
Employers game the system by classifying employees as independent contractors. Others refuse to submit a claim regardless of the facts. This is done to save money on insurance premiums.
Insurance companies routinely deny valid claims. The same IME doctors are used over and over again to cut off benefits. Who is really committing fraud?
Free advice is available
We know how a work injury can affect your life. You do not have to fight alone! Stand up to the discrimination and hold the insurance company accountable.
To speak with our workers comp lawyers in Michigan, call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation.
– Alex Berman is the founder of Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers. Hes been representing injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Alex has helped countless people obtain workers comp benefits and never charges a fee to evaluate a case.
Related information:
Video: Injured at work? Advice from a Michigan workers comp lawyer