5 ways insurance companies watch you after a workers comp claim.
Insurance companies regularly use private investigators to conduct video surveillance of your activities. It does not matter if your claim has been denied or if you are getting weekly checks.
Investigations are performed with the hope of finding some incriminating evidence. This can be used in court and is often taken out-of-context.
We suggest being cautious at all times. Do not perform any activity that could be use against you. Here is our list of the top 5 places you are typically being watched.
1. Sitting outside your house
Our clients report strange vehicles outside their homes. This is a great cause of stress and concern. Video cameras are typically setup and pointed at the house. Some investigators even get out and try to look through windows.
2. Talking with your neighbors
It is not uncommon for private investigators to speak with your neighbors. Questions about work habits are lifestyle are frequent subjects. Many of our clients feel embarrassed when this occurs.
3. Following you to medical appointments
Insurance companies know when you are going to the independent medical examination (IME) because it is scheduled at their request. This allows the private investigator a window of time when you will be outside the home. We had a client filmed clearing snow off his car while heading to the appointment. This was used by the defense attorney to say he was not disabled.
4. Searching social media
Social media has become a major challenge. We have seen insurance adjusters make snap decisions just because of something posted on Facebook. We tell our clients to disable these accounts and not risk a misunderstanding.
5. Strange telephone calls
Watch out for telephone calls from people you do not know. Never give personal information to unknown individuals on the telephone. This is a technique to get information.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Video: Injured at work? Advice from a Michigan workers comp lawyer
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by Lordcolus.