Three types of clients and why legal assistance is a necessary to win your workers’ compensation case.
Many of our clients find their benefits disputed from the very beginning. Some are lucky enough to get medical treatment and lost wages for a short period of time before a cut-off.
Insurance companies use “independent” doctors to perform medical examinations. These doctors are handpicked by insurance companies and earn large sums of money.
Biased medical opinions say a person has fully recovered or is suffering from a pre-existing condition. Bad medical opinions must be challenged in court. Having a treating doctor on your side makes a strong argument for the continuing payment of benefits.
A deposition will be taken and your doctor must testify under oath. Questions about medical history and treatment will be asked. The doctor must give an opinion within a reasonable degree of medical certainty about what is causing your current medical problems. The doctor must also testify about restrictions should a return to work become possible.
The insurance company will also submit its own medical deposition. Testimony is usually taken from the doctor who performed the independent medical examination (IME). You will have the opportunity to cross-examine this doctor and expose biases and other weaknesses.
A workers’ compensation lawyer is necessary to win your case. It is nearly impossible to represent yourself under Michigan law. Insurance companies and large corporations have spent big money making it difficult and burdensome to win. Even if the facts are on your side, you can still lose if the medical evidence is not correctly submitted.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
How insurance companies use IME doctors to abuse the workers comp system
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by CarbonNYC [in SF!].