Warning for people who must work outside during the fall months.
Tomorrow is the first day of fall. While temperatures are still moderate, this is going to change fast. Average temperatures for October are in the 30s and 40s. The season’s first snow is just around the corner.
We want you to be safe while working outside in the cooler months. Employee health should always come before company profits. Here are some questions to ask yourself before heading out to work.
Do you have proper safety equipment?
Make sure to use safety glasses, ear protection, hard hats, respirators, gloves and boots. Do not count on your employer to provide these necessary items. Eyesight can be damaged from flying debris. Exposures to loud noise can lead to permanent hearing loss or tinnitus. A bump on the head can lead to a traumatic brain injury.
Are you dressed for the weather?
We know it’s hard to put away t-shirts and shorts but this should be done for your safety. Make sure face, ears, hands and feet are covered. Layering clothing also provides better insulation for the cooler temperatures.
Are you correctly trained for the job?
We see many people get hurt because they are not correctly trained. Make sure you know how to use tools and safety equipment. Even something as simple as a ladder can be a hazard if used incorrectly.
Do you know what to do in an emergency?
Planning can go a long way to preventing accidents from happening. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Get training in CPR and first aid. Educate yourself on company safety protocols.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (844) 201-9497 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Injured On The Job: A Guide to Michigan Workers’ Compensation Law
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by Carl M.