New study warns people of the danger of inhaling fumes from cleaning sprays.
We saw a fascinating article in Newsweek regarding inhalation of fumes from cleaning sprays. A new study from Norway shows that regular use of cleaning sprays can have as much of an impact on lung health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Researchers found increased rates of asthma among women who regularly used the products. This article is a wake-up call for anyone who works around cleaning sprays.
Many of our clients are exposed to chemicals and sprays as part of their jobs. This is a work hazard and can result in sensitivity and breathing problems. Michigan law requires payment of medical treatment related to occupational diseases including asthma. Wage loss benefits should also be paid if a person is unable to work.
An employee must show that his or her medical conditional developed from work activities. This can be a difficult burden of proof for employees who are smokers or have preexisting lung problems.
The burden rests on the employee to obtain medical evidence from his or her own physician that shows work-relationship and disability. Employees can expect occupational disease claims to be challenged by an independent medical examination (IME). Watch out for doctors who are hand-picked by the insurance company and are clearly biased.
Responsibility for payment of workers’ compensation benefits falls to the last employer who exposed the employee to the conditions that caused the occupational disease. A person can work for a company for just one day and still have a valid claim.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Occupational Diseases: Hidden Work Injuries in Michigan
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by NIAID.