Understanding your legal rights under workers’ compensation and when a case does not exist.
We frequently get telephone calls from individuals who feel pressured to contact a lawyer. They are told by friends and family members that a workers’ compensation case must exist.
Our experience shows these are minor injuries that do not require our assistance. Most workers’ compensation claims are paid without issue.
The hardest part is explaining to friends and family members that a lawyer is not needed. Here are some examples of when a person does not have a workers’ compensation case in Michigan.
No pain and suffering
Michigan adopted its first workers’ compensation law in 1912. Employees hurt on-the-job receive wage loss and medical care. In exchange, employers get protection from civil lawsuits. This means a person hurt at work cannot sue for pain and suffering. Workers’ compensation is the “exclusive remedy.”
Back to work
Workers’ compensation pays lost wages to employees who are unable work. Wage loss benefits end when a person returns to gainful employment. Many people live paycheck-to-paycheck and cannot afford to miss work. There are no additional benefits unless a person is earning less money because of restrictions or is found to have a specific loss.
Medical is paid
All reasonable and necessary medical treatment should be covered under workers’ compensation. Insurance companies sometimes take weeks or months to make payment. Medical bills that are not disputed are usually paid without issue.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (844) 201-9497 for a free consultation today.
Related information:
Do I qualify for workers’ compensation in Michigan?
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by Sh4rp_i.