Workers’ Disability Compensation Agency updates Michigan mileage reimbursement rate 2021 and how to ensure payment from the insurance company.
Mileage and travel expenses can be reimbursed under workers’ comp. This is a hidden benefit that insurance companies do not always tell people about. The Workers’ Disability Compensation Agency has now updated its travel reimbursement rates for injured employees. The Michigan mileage reimbursement rate 2021 is $0.56.
Calculating mileage reimbursement is easy. Keep track of all visits to and from medical appointments by writing them down on a piece of paper. Make sure to include the date, location, and round-trip miles. Add up the total miles and multiple by the Michigan mileage reimbursement rate 2021 ($0.56).
We tell our clients to send mileage reimbursement directly to the insurance company by certified mail return receipt requested. This ensures proof of delivery and penalties can be sought if not paid within 30 days of becoming due.
Travel expenses for meals and lodging can also be reimbursed under workers’ comp. This is paid when an injured worker must travel a long distance for medical care. Travel reimbursement rates for breakfast ($8.50), lunch ($8.50), dinner ($19.00), and lodging ($85.00 plus taxes) are available.
Select cities (All of Grand Traverse County, All of Oakland County, All of Wayne County, Ann Arbor, Auburn Hills, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Holland, Leland, Mackinac Island, Petoskey, Pontiac, South Haven, Traverse City) have slightly higher reimbursement rates for breakfast ($10.25), lunch ($10.25), dinner ($24.25), and lodging ($85.00 plus taxes).
Sometimes insurance companies fail to pay workers’ comp mileage or other travel expenses. This creates an absurd situation where medical treatment is authorized, but the injured worker cannot afford to get to his or her appointments. Contact an experienced workers’ comp lawyer if mileage or other travel expenses have not been paid.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
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