Michigan workers comp lawyer explains the pretrial hearing and how to speed up your case.
Our law firm is committed to answering all of your questions. We always return telephone calls and will make time for office appointments.
Most of our clients have never had a workers comp case before. They are in pain and stressed out from no income or access to medical care.
We understand and want you to know your legal rights. Here is some information about the pretrial hearing to help relieve your stress.
Pretrial hearing
Our clients frequently call us about the pretrial hearing. This is the first contact they have with the Workers Compensation Agency.
You should receive the notice of pretrial approximately one month after your workers comp case is filed. You do not need to attend the pretrial hearing if you are represented by an attorney.
The pretrial hearing is informal and most of the time nothing happens. You will be assigned a new hearing date and the magistrate will be available to resolve any scheduling issues. You can usually find the new hearing date on the wall outside the magistrate’s courtroom.
The pretrial hearing is important because it gives both sides the opportunity to exchange medical records and talk about the issues. Don’t be discouraged if nothing happens because this is only the first step in your workers comp case.
How to speed up your workers comp case
Some workers comp cases get special attention. These are commonly called 60 day cases. You can ask the magistrate for a quick trial date if your wage loss benefits were cut-off during the last 60 days.
You can also speed up your workers comp case by taking the deposition of your treating doctor and a vocational expert. This will show the magistrate that you are serious about your workers comp case and you can request a firm trial date.
You should be extremely cautious about proceeding too quickly. Many workers comp cases require time to develop and should be resolved through settlement.
Free help is available
It is important to speak with a knowledgeable workers comp lawyer anytime you have an injury at work. There is no charge to discuss your case and you only pay a fee if you recover workers comp benefits.
A good workers comp lawyer can put pressure on the insurance company to resolve your case sooner rather than later.
Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation with one of our experienced Michigan workers comp lawyers. There is no fee unless workers comp benefits are recovered for you.
– Alex Berman is the founder of Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers. Hes been representing injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Alex has helped countless people obtain workers compensation and never charges a fee to evaluate a case.
Related information:
Video: Injured at work? Advice from a Michigan workers comp lawyer
Michigan Work Comp Lawyers – Client Testimonials
– Photo courtesy of Creative Commons, by Dig Downtown Detroit.