How to make sure a good result is achieved under Michigan workers’ compensation.
Getting hurt on-the-job can turn a person’s life upside down. Many of our clients never considered what happens should they be involved in a workplace accident. It can be extremely stressful dealing with the employer and its insurance carrier.
Disabled employees get a big shock when they receive a much smaller weekly check. This is especially true if living paycheck-to-paycheck and supporting a family. Medical treatment is often difficult to obtain and can be disputed for no good reason.
We know the problems that disabled employees face and want to help. Here are some tips from our attorneys and legal professionals that can be used to make sure a good result is achieved.
Alex recommends keeping a log of employer and insurance company communications for trial. He believes it is helpful to have a written record of discussions that have occurred. This includes notations about the initial claim filing, interviews/investigations, light duty work offers, suggestions about medical treatment, and potential disputes.
Jeff thinks it is a good idea to double check insurance company math. He is fond of saying that mistakes happen, but they are never in our client’s favor. Disabled employees are supposed to receive 80% of their after-tax average weekly wage. This includes overtime and discontinued fringe benefits. Calculations should be based upon employer wage records and not an insurance company estimate. He has found numerous occasions when the weekly check is too low.
Mark tells clients to keep him updated on a regular basis. He suggests using email to inform about changes in medical or work status. This information is critical when evaluating settlement amount. Email is also a great way to communicate and find out what is happening with the case.
Marilyn warns clients that insurance companies use private investigators to perform activity checks. This includes following people and taking video or pictures. Social media will also be examined for any evidence that a claim is not legitimate. Items are frequently taken out-of-context and used against people in court.
Todd wants employees to make sure their claim has been filed. He says do not assume the employer is doing what is legally required. Finding out the name of the insurance company and claim number will allow an employee to double check.
Legal professionals
Angel wants clients to let us know when they change telephone numbers or move to a new address. We must be able to reach them when something critical happens in the case.
Sherri suggests keeping track of out-of-pocket medical expenses. It is possible to seek reimbursement for medical bills that should have been paid under workers’ compensation.
Amanda tells new callers to get a copy of the MRI report. This can be used to evaluate a case without guessing on the medical.
Linda gets frequent telephone calls with general questions. Status updates can be quickly obtained from paralegals and it is unnecessary to wait for the attorney to call back.
Michigan Workers Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (844) 201-9497 for a free consultation today.
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