How to get medical bills paid after work accident

Michigan workers’ comp lawyer explains how to get small medical bills paid through four different strategies. We frequently get telephone calls from individuals who suffered minor injuries at work but still have unpaid medical bills. Unfortunately, many of these people ignore the problem until it becomes too late. Workers’ comp is supposed to cover all […]

Send disputed medical bills to your health insurance company for payment

Public Service Announcement: It’s not illegal to bill health insurance when workers’ compensation has disputed your medical bills. I get this question several times per week and it deserves a follow-up blog post. It is not illegal to bill health insurance for medical treatment that is not being paid under workers’ compensation. Unfortunately, many doctor’s […]

Bills, Bills & More Bills

The do’s and don’ts of medical billing in a disputed Michigan workers compensation case. There is a running joke among plaintiff attorneys regarding unpaid medical bills. We are essentially debt collectors who don’t get paid anything for our time. Medical providers should be happy to hear from our office. It means a settlement is close […]