Michigan lawyer discusses common construction injuries to know about and how they should be covered under workers’ comp.
There are some jobs that are simply more dangerous than others. Working in construction is one of those occupations. Being a hard hat worker is heavy work that puts employees in potentially dangerous situations. It involves heavy lifting, working with tools, using powerful machinery, climbing great heights, and exposure to busy traffic. These are inherently dangerous activities that can result in a worker being hurt on the job. Michigan law protects employees hurt on-the-job and here are some things to know about. Below we discuss some of the most common construction injuries that happen on the job.
Here Are Most Common Construction Injuries
Statistics published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) show 1 in 5 (21.1%) of total worker deaths in 2018 were in construction. The leading causes were falls, struck by object, electrocution, and caught-in/between. These make up the “Fatal Four” and were responsible for more than half (58.6%) the deaths. In addition, trench collapse, failure to use protective gear, and traffic accidents are other causes.
Workers can also suffer from physical trauma on-the-job. Other common construction injuries are broken bones, head injuries, twisted ankles, lumbar and cervical strain, herniated disc, rotator cuff tear, eye injury, burns, electric shock, toxic exposure to chemicals, traumatic brain injury.
Other common construction injuries are repetitive motion injuries when they body is used to do the same thing repeatedly. Common problems include carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar nerve entrapment, and epicondylitis.
About Michigan Workers’ Comp Benefits
Michigan law is designed to protect employees hurt on-the-job. Workers’ comp pays for medical treatment, lost wages, and vocational rehabilitation. Entitlement to medical treatment should begin immediately but an employee cannot select his or her own doctor until 28 days after. Lost wages are based upon 80% of the employee’s after-tax average weekly wages. Vocational rehabilitation helps a disabled employee transition to new career.
Sometimes construction injuries result in death. Up to 500 weeks of wage loss benefits should be paid to dependents including spouses and children. These can be complicated situations and it is best to speak with an experienced workers’ comp lawyer right away. A funeral expense up to $6,000 should also be paid.
About Third Party Lawsuit Claims
Workers’ comp is the exclusive remedy against the employer for any injury on the job and it should be paid regardless of employee fault. However, employees hurt or killed can seek additional damages from a negligent third party. This could be another business operating as a general or subcontractor. It could also be a motor vehicle driver, product manufacturer, or maintenance company. Damages would include money for pain and suffering.
How Our Attorneys Can Help Injured Michigan Construction Workers
A workers’ comp lawyer can save a worker from making a big mistake. If you have suffered from one of the common construction injuries discussed in this article or any other injury it is important to discuss them with an attorney when they occur so that all legal rights can be protected. We have seen employers force employees to lie about the incident in order to obtain basic medical care. Promises to pay medical bills and lost wages under the table are rarely kept.
Insurance companies who pay workers’ comp benefits also have a statutory lien against money recovered from a third party. This can mean all the money recovered goes back. An experienced workers’ comp lawyer can negotiate settlement and ensure that money recovered by the employee is kept.
Michigan Workers’ Comp Lawyers never charges a fee to evaluate a potential case. Our law firm has represented injured and disabled workers exclusively for more than 35 years. Call (855) 221-2667 for a free consultation today.
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