Information on if you can see your own doctor or a workers’ comp doctor after being injured on the job in Michigan
Access to medical care is one of the most important benefits work injury victims have rights to under Michigan law. But there’s a lot of confusion for injured workers on if they can see their own doctor or a doctor assigned by workers’ comp for medical treatment.
To speak with one of our work injury lawyers now, call us at (855) 221-2667. You can also fill out our contact form for a free consultation. We can answer all of your questions about your medical treatment, and there’s absolutely no charge to you.
I’ve been injured at work, do I see my own doctor or a doctor assigned by workers’ comp?
If you’ve been injured during the course and scope of your employment, your employer or its insurance company must pay for all reasonable and necessary medical treatment.
By Michigan law, your employer can select your workers’ comp doctor during the first 28 days after an injury. You will most likely be seen at an industrial clinic such as Concentra. You may be referred to a specialist.
When can I see my own doctor for workers’ comp in Michigan?
According to Michigan workers’ comp law, you have the right to choose and see your own doctor after 28 days from the start of your medical care for your work related injury.
Be careful treating with medical practitioners recommended by your employer or the insurance company, because of a potential conflict of interest. A doctor recommended by your employer or insurance company may say that you are “not injured” in order to avoid paying you benefits.
How do I legally choose my own medical practitioner?
According to Michigan workers’ comp law, your employer can recommend a doctor, but you have the right to choose for yourself 28 days after the start of your medical care. To do this, give the employer the name of your doctor and tell your employer that you want to treat for your injury.
This can be done with a telephone call, but it’s a good idea to provide the name and address of your doctor in writing, so there is no dispute in the future.
Failure to provide notice of your selected doctor relieves the employer of its obligation to pay medical bills.
This does not apply when your employer has failed, refused, or otherwise neglected to provide you with medical care. You can get reimbursed for these medical bills at a later date.
Even if your claim is disputed, it is still a good idea to tell your employer about any doctors that you are seeing for your injury.
Where do I send unpaid medical bills?
According to Michigan workers’ comp law, you should send unpaid doctor and medical bills to your employer via certified mail.
If it is later found that these bills should have been paid, you could be entitled to penalties.
Here’s more information on who pays your work injury related medical bills.
How do I find the right medical practitioner?
You should always treat with your own medical practitioner to avoid a conflict of interest. If your work injury benefits are ever disputed, you will need a medical practitioner who will be on your side.
Unfortunately, we have seen a employer-recommended workers’ comp doctor turn on their patient time and time again. It has been our experience that a doctor selected by you will be far more likely to support continuing work injury benefits.
The best way to find a medial practitioner is by asking for a referral. You can ask your family doctor for help finding a specialist. You can also speak with family and friends. Find someone who has had a similar injury and ask who helped them. The goal should always be to find a physician who can best help you recover from injury.
The cost does not matter if the treatment is reasonable and necessary.
Can I decide the course of my medical care?
Yes. You have the right to decide for yourself what medical care is appropriate.
You cannot be forced into a specific course of treatment from a if it is invasive or dangerous.
However, if you refuse reasonable medical treatment, you could have your work injury benefits suspended. These disputes can be complicated and must be handled on an individual basis.
What should I know about my nurse case manager?
An important concern to keep in mind is that insurance companies try to save money on work injury claims. This is especially true when medical benefits are being paid voluntarily, since the cost of health care is so high.
Some insurance companies will hire a nurse case manager to influence your medical care with the hope of reducing medical costs. A nurse case manager should never interfere with the recommendations of your medical practitioner.
It is important to make sure that any nurse case manager assigned to your claim has your best interest at heart and is not just trying to save the insurance company money.
I’ve been asked to see an IME, now what?
In Michigan, employers and workers’ comp insurance adjusters usually send injured workers for “second opinion” exams by an “independent” doctor. This is called an IME, which stands for insurance medical exam, or independent medical exam.
Beware: These “independent” insurance doctors are chosen by your employer or work comp insurance company, and they do not have your best interest in mind. Many IMEs will find “nothing wrong” with seriously injured workers, and then their work injury benefits will be cut off.
If you’ve been told to see an “independent” medical examiner, it’s best to speak with an experienced work injury lawyer to make sure your rights are protected.
Injured on the job in Michigan and have questions about your workers’ comp doctor?
If you were injured while on the job in Michigan and have questions about your workers’ comp doctor and how and when to choose your own, If you were injured on the job in Michigan and you are wondering how long you have to file a workers’ comp claim, call now at (855) 221-2667 or fill out our contact form for a free consultation with an experienced workers’ comp lawyer. There is absolutely no cost or obligation. We’re here for you.
For more than 40 years, our lawyers have been helping people like you who have suffered from on-the-job injuries in Michigan. We understand the physical, emotional, and psychological hardships you are experiencing from your accident. We also have the skill, experience, and know-how to protect you and get you the best possible payout amount for your case.
To see what our own clients have to say about the caring, compassion, and communication they received from us, you can read in their own words about their experience here on our testimonials page from clients we have helped.
Remember, every work injury claim and settlement is different and must be negotiated on its own merits. Do not accept any payout amount without fully understanding your legal rights.
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