What to Expect at the Beginning of Your Workers’ Compensation Case
Many people are concerned that starting a work comp lawsuit will be costly and time consuming. This is not true at all. Below we’ve provided some information about the initial stages of your case, and how a workers comp lawyer can handle everything for you.
For help from a work comp lawyer now, call us at (844) 345-0952, or fill out our free consultation form. There’s no cost or obligation, and we can answer all of your questions.
Q. How do I start a work comp lawsuit?
A. Starting a work comp lawsuit is as easy as picking up the phone and asking for help from one of our workers’ compensation lawyers. We have been protecting injured workers like you for more than 40 years, and we have all of the resources and manpower to fight insurance companies and employers when they are not protecting you.
To begin, you will discuss your case with one of our lawyers, either over the phone or in person — whatever is best for you. Then, we take it from there. We handle all of the paperwork, the hearings and the court appearances.
You will be asked to participate and testify on a limited basis.
However, if you ever have questions or concerns, you are welcome to call or schedule an appointment with your workers’ compensation lawyer. We are here to answer all of your questions, and ensure you are comfortable with the steps we’re taking throughout your work comp lawsuit.
You can rely on our Michigan workers’ compensation lawyers to handle everything for you, so you can focus on recovering.
Q. How much does it cost to begin a work comp lawsuit?
A. It does not cost you a dime to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer and begin a lawsuit. Our lawyers are paid on a contingency fee basis, which means they are only paid if and when they recover workers comp benefits and/or a settlement for you. Their payment is a small percentage of whatever they recover for you.
Here’s more information about how work comp lawyers are paid.
We also advance all litigation expenses, so you don’t have to worry about how to pay your lawyer throughout your case. You can just focus on recovering from your work injury.
You also are entitled to free phone calls and visits whenever you need throughout your work comp lawsuit.
Q. What’s the first step a lawyer takes in my lawsuit?
A. A workers’ compensation case is started by filing an Application for Mediation or Hearing with the Workers’ Compensation Agency. A magistrate will be assigned to your case and you will be required to participate in several hearings.
Insurance companies are counting on the fact that most people just go away when their workers’ compensation benefits are disputed. We believe that you should challenge any unfair decision that affects your entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits. And an experienced workers comp lawyer can help you do that with ease.
Q. What can I expect at the beginning of my work comp lawsuit?
A. You will receive a notice of pretrial about thirty days after your workers’ compensation case is filed. The magistrate assigned to your case will take no action other than setting a future hearing date and posting it on the wall. If you are represented by a lawyer, you do not even need to attend this hearing.
There are many more phases of a work comp lawsuit. Take a look at this page about what to expect throughout your work comp lawsuit.
Q. Can I represent myself throughout my case?
A. Unfortunately, workers’ compensation laws make it nearly impossible for you to represent yourself in a work comp lawsuit.
It is not enough to simply tell the magistrate how you were hurt at work. You must present specific proofs from your doctor and a vocational expert to win. Even if the facts are on your side, you can still lose if your case is not properly presented.
Have Questions About Starting a Work Comp Lawsuit in Michigan?
To speak with one of our attorneys today, call us at (844) 345-0952, or fill out our free contact form.